Experience extends the other traits, but focuses on the overall aura of being cool, calm and collective. People who are perceived as powerful players display experience, high-class, and a reserved self-confidence. They have nothing to prove in their image, as they ooze firmness and achievement. By contrast, the new wannabe in town who brags, is arrogant and conceited rarely lasts, because he alienates people everyday. He's on a fast track going 2 steps forward and 5 steps backwards. He has no allies and takes unnecessary large risks. The players who last have great people skills. They easily make friends in business and with women, but they remain very choosey in their selection, since they want longevity and only the best.
Experience means you rarely make impulsive or rash decisions in business or with women, as these usually turn out wrong. Be adverse to the temptation of undue risk, and concentrate on the high probability of reward. Women are attracted to experienced men who have been around the block. Experience comes from a high level of Street Intelligence in the field, which translates into higher status amongst peers. Experience means potential for higher incomes, which of course all women want. (What's your is mine, and what's mine is mine.) The higher up in the pecking order you are perceived to be, the more desirable you are to women. This doesn't mean you have to be the CEO. What it means is that when a woman meets you, she sees that you are very smart about the inner workings of your field, cool with sexual prowess and image, and confident and self-assured with your skills. Experienced people are very tenacious and driven; big positives to women. Being simple minded and showing no drive or direction ruins your chances.
An experienced player let's a girl know that his time is a valued commodity, as he has a very active, busy life. When your horny, bubble gum chewing, schoolgirl hottie calls, you don't reply "Wassup. I'm power lounging trying to get rid of this vicious hangover.'" You are always busy pursuing business projects and are always analyzing some type of investment. You portray knowledge and success. Remember, that doesn't mean you actually are successful. It means you show you have direction and wits, and know your path to obtaining success. This characteristic works best with the younger targets, girls who want a Daddy figure, girls who are new in town, and those who like it when someone else takes control of everything. The type-A aggressive women are not the girlfriend type for the smart, successful guy in the group. These girls consider conversations a debate and take offense when proven wrong, which they usually are, instead of learning from it.
Self-assurance and humility are some of the best personality traits to show. Whatever is your area of expertise; be it business, a hobby, or a sport, carry it with humility. If you are going places in life, it shows without saying a word. Be above the fray, and steer clear of petty office politics and jabs. Never put another guy in your field down in front of women. Never brag about yourself, or blather on about your life. Let people ask you questions, and then use self-deprecating humor in your answers. Mastery at something shows drive and skill, which usually translate into the ability to do the same at other things in life. Experience shows a woman you get things accomplished in life. When placed in a confrontational situation, you pause and strategize. The superior negotiator uses time, instincts and street smarts to get what he wants. You analyze a situation swiftly, and use your wits and ingenuity to decipher and influence events, instead of your fists. You are nobody's fool. You ooze with the street smarts.
Women want to be around a man who people are naturally drawn to. You become the center of attention not because of vanity or ego, it's because you make things happen in life. People want to deal with you, as you seem more honest and in control, and feel they were get a fairer deal because you seem far more intelligent, rational and fair than the average guy. Women feel completely safe and secure with the man with experience. Women see you as the one with the barrier, and set out to be the one to crack it.
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