Monday, 26 January 2009

Insecurity is for Little Girls

Vanity is a peculiar characteristic that is way overvalued. It's an obstacle to seduction, and has no redeeming quality in reality. What's funny about the trait is how much it affects most people's lives. Every little thought, move, and action that ego driven people make balances precariously on reactions and approval from others. The fear of being judged by others poorly has them paralyzed to do anything. Yet the importance of the whole concept is borderline ridiculous. People's minds are pre-occupied with themselves. For the most part, other people are barely even thinking about you, and every little thing you do. They're worried about themselves, and every little thing they are doing! It's a battle of the effeminate limp wristed worrywarts. Sorry to pop your bubble, but you really are not so important that people are staring at you with baited breath, waiting for your approval of them. Relax. It's how you feel inside that matters. By the way, the guys leering in your direction at the gym are not laughing at your technique, they're checking out the ass on the blonde behind you.

Insecurity is a benchmark achievement of the Liberal Media Guilt Police. Equality for women was the feminist sales pitch, but it was just a camouflage for their real intentions. The goal was to castrate men and give woman all the power. Female Equality is retarded socialist brainwashing that preaches Man was not intended to be an aggressive overachiever or stand up for himself. They lecture how you should question everything over and over in your mind from a PC stance of how others will feel about it, until the nuances and fear stop you from committing to do anything. Men should be equally passive and miserable, and allow women to control us.

Insecurity keeps you from making decisions without the endorsement from women; avoid this attitude like the plague if you want pussy. In the modern era, when you're a nice guy or a gentleman, women respond by walking all over you like a spoiled brat. Insecurity will destroy your chances with seducing women. It forces you to make decisions out of desperation; decisions that are not in your best interests. When you are insecure, you are an open season target to predatory woman. They can smell weakness in a man a mile away, and will role-play and quickly assume control of your life and your wallet. Through selective limitation of the sex supply, they tear through your assets until you go broke, or until they bore of the game.

Subconsciously, women all seek a man of strength, as he shows the signs of being a provider. In conversations, show you are not the least bit concerned if you disagree with something, and that you will never kiss her ass. When a woman gets a little emotional, remember that she is testing you. Stand up for yourself, and show her she is dealing with a strong man whose behavior she cannot control. Have your own opinions, without being argumentative. Women love intelligence. If she asks, offer up compelling alternative views and be tad controversial with a smile. Eventually, whether it's a few hours, or a few dates, her bitch shield will come down.

Learn how to avoid falling into the same old patterns and negative mind games you play on yourself. It's easy to be a pussy and make excuses for never trying for the hotter girls that you really want. The typical excuse is thinking you have to been rich to get women. The appearance of having taste does not mean you have to be wealthy by any means. It's not like you are showing women financial statements, portfolios, and promising diamonds. The dating world is full of phoniness on both ends of the spectrum. Rest assured, half the Posers in the Porsche's and Fountain Speedboats are in hock up to their eyeballs with lease payments they can't afford, living the life they wish were true. It's no different than the phony bleach blondes with the boob jobs, tummy tucks, and the expensive car and house paid for by the ex. No excuses allowed. You got to take a lot of swings at the plate before you start connecting like a professional.

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